Alexandra Oprea


CV Alexandra Oprea is a PhD candidate at the University of Bucharest, Department of Political Science and at the EHESS, Paris. Her research focuses on inquiring the anticorruption movements in post-communist Romania, using a socio-historical approach. She is currently the recipient of a French Government scholarship at the EHESS, Paris, where she is a member of the research center Laboratoire interdisciplinaire d’études sur les réflexivités – Fonds Yan Thomas. She is also a teaching assistant at the Political Science Department at the University of Bucharest, where she is responsible for the introductory undergraduate seminars on Latin America studies and Political theory and Assistant Editor at Studia Politica. Romanian Political Science Review.

Cursuri predate la secțiile: SPE, SPF

Latest publications:

  • „Statul, victimă a coruției? Discursul anticorupție în ultima fază a regimului comunist din România” dans Dalia Bathory, Stefan Bosomitu, Luciana Jinga (eds.), Construcții și deconstrucții de-a lungul unui secol. Istoriile partidului comunist. Anuarul IICCMER, nr. XVI, Polirom, Iasi, 2021, pp. 233-253
  • „Cinéma, mémoire et critique de la corruption dans la Roumanie et la Bulgarie postcommunistes”, Etudes Balkaniques no. 4/2019; „Denouncing Corruption through Visual Means: Civil Society Initiatives in Post-Communist Romania”, Online Journal Modeling the New Europe, Issue 33, Sept. 2020