Academic title: Associate Professor (tenured position)

Armand Goșu is an Associate Professor at the University of Bucharest, Romania, at the Faculty of Political Sciences. Since 2004, he has taught several courses on the political history of Russia and the USSR, the history of Soviet foreign policy and diplomacy, developments in the former Soviet space, the history of the Soviet secret services and security issues in the former Soviet space. He has a PhD in Russian history, with a thesis on the foreign policy of the Russian Empire during the anti-Napoleonic wars (Moscow, 1998). He was program coordinator at the Romanian Institute of Recent History (2002-2004) and researcher at the ‘Nicolae Iorga’ Institute of History as part of the Romanian Academy (1991-2001). He was a correspondent in Moscow for BBC World Service radio between 1995-1998 and 1999-2000. From 2005 to 2010 he was deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine “22”, edited by the Group for Social Dialogue and editor-in-chief for two years between 2013 and 2014. He signs analyses and comments on the former Soviet space in the publications of well-known institutes and research centres such as the German Council on Foreign Relations and Middle East Institute as well as writing in the international and Romanian press for publications such as ‘The Insider”, “22” Magazine, Contributors. Armand Gosu is also the author of several articles on political developments in the Republic of Moldova: The Time of the Oligarch. Relations between Romania and the Republic of Moldova (2009-2018) and Invalidating the rightfully elected mayor of Chisinau threatens the regime of oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc, both published in Studia politica. Romanian Political Science Review (2018). He is currently working on a book on the recent history of the Republic of Moldova.

Most recent books:

  • Euro-falia. Turbulences and involutions in the former Soviet space, (Euro-falia. Turbulențe și involuții în fostul spațiu sovietic) Bucharest, Curtea Veche Publishing House, 2016
  • The history of communism in Romania. Vol. III. Documents. Nicolae Ceaușescu (1972-1975) Istoria comunismului din România. Vol. III. Documente. Nicolae Ceaușescu (1972-1975), published in 2016 as an edited volume in collaboration with Mihnea Berindei and Dorin Dobrincu
  • Democracy under siege. Romania in a regional context, (Democrația sub asediu. România in context regional) edited by Armand Goșu and Alexandru Gussi for Corint Publishing House, Bucharest in 2019
  • Russia, a complicated equation (Rusia, o ecuație complicata), (Iași, Polirom Publishing House, 2021

Topics for BA/MA coordination:(1) the political history of Russia and the USSR, (2) area studies: the Euro-Asian space, (3) Romania-Russia (USSR) relations, (4) foreign and security policy of the USSR and the Russian Federation

 Office hours: Tuesdays 11.30-12.30 (contact the teacher by email for details)
