Academic title: Professor

CV | Specialist in modern political philosophy (natural law theory, sovereignty theories and social contract theory), PhD of the University of Helsinki, fellow at the advanced study institutes in Edinburgh, Wassenaar, Stellenbosch, Bucharest, Budapest and Warsaw, Visiting Professor in the Netherlands, France and Italy.

Research interest: Political philosophy/political theory/History of political ideas

Courses taught at sections: SPR (Istoria gândirii politice, SPE (History of Political Thought), SSL: Political Radicalism and Theories of Revolution, MPC (Voting Systems and Political Representation)

Recent publications:

  • Salt în gol de pe marginea lumii. Schițe de antropologie politică (editura Cetatea de Scaun, Târgoviște 2023)
  • A Secret Hidden in Plain View. Lord Chesterfield’s Theory of Dissimulation, în Secrets and Conspiracies, Volume Editors: Olli Loukola  and Leonidas Donskis, (Brill, 2022)
  • Cum alegem? Un portret al democrației pe înțelesul tuturor, Humanitas, București 2016

Office hours: by appointment by mail in advance

Topics for BA/MA coordination: (1) political philosophy, (2) political theory, (3) history of political ideas, (4) political radicalism

E-mail: catalin.avramescu@unibuc.ro