Academic title: Associate Professor (tenured position)

CV | Cosmin-Ștefan Dogaru holds a PhD in Political Science (University of Bucharest) and is currently Associate Professor (tenured position) at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Bucharest. He is member of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES), the European Political Science Association (EPSA) and the European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH), Leipzig University.

Research interests: Romanian politics, the history of elites, political leadership and networks, arenas of leisure and sociability in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (elite sports clubs), political communication, and academic writing

Courses taught at sections: SSL, SPR, MSE

Recent publications:

  • Dogaru, C.-Ș. (2023). Motor racing and sports tourism in the interwar period: the case of the Romanian Royal Automobile Club. Sport in Society, published online: April 8, 2023. [IF 1,578].

  • Dogaru, C.-Ș. (2022). Romanian Women’s Participation in Recreation and Sporting Activities at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 39(12), 1391–1410. [IF 0,607].

  • Dogaru, C.-Ș. (2022). Les jeunes Roumains et leur rencontre avec l’espace universitaire français vers 1848: Idées politiques, réseaux et actions révolutionnaires. In M. Kintzinger, W. E. Wagner, A. Dubois, and J. Gerbracht (Eds.), Jahrbuch für Universitätsgeschichte 22 (2019), L’Université et le politique. Professeurs, étudiants et pouvoirs publics en Europe (1848–1945). Die Universität und das Politische. Professoren, Studierende und Staatsbehörden in Europa (1848–1945) (pp. 85–101). Franz Steiner Verlag. ISBN 978-3-515-12903-9 [10 KVK libraries].

  • Dogaru, C.-Ș. (2020). The Romanian Jockey Club and Conservative Club: Places of Leisure and Sociability for the Romanian Elites (1875–1914). In M. Kohlrausch, P. Heyrman, and J. de Maeyer (Eds.), Leisure and Elite Formation. Arenas of Encounter in Continental Europe, 1815-1914 (pp. 179–190). De Gruyter Oldenbourg. ISBN 978-3-11-058519-3 [65 KVK libraries].

  • Dogaru, C.-Ș. (2020). Statesmen from Former Times. Political Leadership and Networks of Power in Modern Romania (1859–1918). Cluj University Press. ISBN 978‐606‐37‐0858‐9 [10 KVK libraries].

Topics for BA/MA coordination:  (1) Romanian politics, (2) history of elites, (3) political leadership and networks, (4) political communication

Office hours: online with e-mail appointment
