01/02/2023 2024-10-14 10:01DOMNICA GOROVEI
Academic title: Senior University Lecturer (tenured position)
CV | Domnica Gorovei holds a PHD in political science from the University of Bucharest, with a thesis about political representation in post-communist Romania and a case study on Bucharest. Is Senior University Lecturer (tenured position) at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Bucharest since October 2021, where she has been since 2009 a guest instructor. She has previously worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, and has a 10 years’ experience as researcher (local assistant) of an MEP.
Research fields: African political systems and terrorism in Africa (West Africa), Cold War cultural diplomacy, political representation, Bucharest local administration, functioning of parliament and intra-parliamentary mobility, political corruption, political caricature
Courses: SPR, SPF, MPE, MSE
Recent publications:
- « Instabilité politique et terrorisme en Afrique. Le cas du coup d’Etat de 2020 au Mali », dans Systèmes politiques et dynamiques conflictuelles en Afrique. Quel impact pour la mondialisation ?, (dir. Sergiu Mișcoiu, Cristian Preda, Andreea Bianca Urs, Domnica Gorovei), Cerf, 2022
- ”30 ans de mobilité intra-parlementaire en Roumanie postcommuniste”, Est Europa.Revue d’études politiques et constitutionnelles. La Roumanie trente ans après (1990 à 2020). Transformations structurelles et défis pour l’avenir, număr special 2021, pp. 183-199
- ”La représentation politique en Roumanie postcommuniste. Le cas de Bucarest”, Institutul European, Iași, 2021
- ”Regards croisés – les relations bilatérales Roumanie-Sénégal (1965-1980). Les échanges diplomatiques de Nicolae Ceaușescu avec Léopold Sédar Senghor”, Studia Politica. Romanian Political Science Review, vol. XX no 4, 2020
Topics for BA/MA coordination: (1) Africa, (2) political representation, (3) francophonie, (4) political regimes
Office hours: Tuesdays 11.30-13, by appointment by e-mail