Academic title: Associate Professor (tenured position)

CV | Luciana Alexandra GHICA studied Political Science and International Relations at the University of Bucharest (Bachelor of Political Science in French), Central European University (Budapest) and University of Oxford (UK). She has been teaching at FSPUB since 2004, where she has contributed to the establishment of several initiatives and programs, including the Professional Program in International Relations and European Studies (ProRISE), which later became the IDC Research Centre – Centre for Development Studies and International Cooperation, as well as the BA in International Relations and European Studies (IRES) and MA in International public Affairs (MIPA) degree programs in English, which she currently coordinates. Since 2021, within the faculty, she is also the chief editor of the scientific journal Analele Universității din București. Annals of the University of Bucharest. Political Science series ( Member & Director (Research): Center for Development Studies and International Cooperation (IDC) Coordinator (Administrative): BA in International Relations and European Studies (IRES), MA in International public Affairs (MIPA) Department/Department: Comparative Governance and European Studies/Comparative Governance and European Studies


Research fields: The role of normative-representative factors in international relations; Policies and theories of international development cooperation (democratization and development; international innovation and development; UN agenda on development and improvement of quality of life); External action of the European Union (institutional and discursive characteristics); Historiography and methodology of international studies (constructivism; avant-garde currents in international relations theory; analysis of discourse in international studies); The evolution of political science as an academic discipline (interdisciplinary dimension; the history and sociology of the discipline in Romania).

Recent publications:

  • GHICA, Luciana Alexandra (2024) Transforming International Development: Navigating the Shift towards Digital Cooperation. In The Oxford Handbook of Digital Diplomacy, eds. Corneliu Bjola & Ilan Manor, 250-268. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 
  • GHICA, Luciana Alexandra (2021) Who Are We? The Diversity Puzzle in European Political Science. European Political Science 20(1): 58-84,
  • GHICA, Luciana Alexandra (2020) From Imagined Disciplinary Communities to Professional Solidarity: Political Science in Postcommunist Europe. In Political Science in Europe: Achievements, Challenges, Prospects, eds. Thibaud Boncourt, Isabelle Engeli, Diego Garzia. Rowman & Littlefield / ECPR Press, pp. 159-78. ISBN 978-1-78552-311-3,
  • FURNESS, Mark, Luciana-Alexandra GHICA, Simon LIGHTFOOT, Balazs SZENT-IVÁNYI (2020) EU Development Policy: Evolving as an Instrument of Foreign Policy and as an Expression of Solidarity. Journal of Comparative European Research 16(2): 89-100,

Topics for BA/MA coordination:  (1) International Relations (case studies / comparative analysis: international institutions, organizations and regimes; diplomacy, especially new trends in the field, digital diplomacy, gastrodiplomacy and international food policy, space diplomacy; international development cooperation and international policy dynamics on sustainability; borders and disputed territories; indigenous peoples; foreign policy analysis; concepts and theories, especially recent developments), (2) European Studies (EU: institutions, policies, external action, reputation studies; Europe: imaginary of Europe and its regions, dynamics of cooperation; Council of Europe: political debates, institutional developments, fundamental rights), (3) Quality of Democracy / Democratization (case studies and comparative analysis: from Europe, Oceania or Asia, including the Middle East; relationship between democracy and international behaviors), (4) (International) political aspects and dynamics of popular culture and digital technologies (e.g. social media, k-pop, celebrity activism, transnational protest / minority rights movements)

Office hours: Tuesday 16:30-17:50, by appointment at–1e6s/edit?usp=sharing
