PhD thesis defense by drd. Drăghici Petre-Florian

PhD thesis defense by drd. Drăghici Petre-Florian

On 17 March 2023, at 10.00 AM at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Spiru Haret Street no. 8, Giovanni Sartori Hall, will take place the defense of the PhD thesis entitled:

,,Metamorphoses of the political elites in Romania during the interwar economic crises – The evolution of the peasant ideology in the first interwar decade”


Drăghici Petre-Florian

In order to obtain the scientific title of Doctor of Political Science

Member of the committee for the analysis and defense of the doctoral thesis:

President: Prof.dr. Florin ȚURCANU

PhD supervisor: Prof.dr. Cristian PREDA

Official referees:

  1. Prof.dr. Andrei ȚĂRANU – S.N.S.P.A.;
  2. Prof. Alexandru RADU – “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University;
  3. Prof. Ioan STANOMIR – University of Bucharest

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