CIVIS Mobility Opportunities for students. Deadline: February 28, 2023
10/02/2023 2023-02-10 1:12CIVIS Mobility Opportunities for students. Deadline: February 28, 2023
CIVIS launched a new series of Blended Intensive Programmes – BIPs, a new format of Erasmus+ mobility.
Students in social sciences and humanities from all levels of studies can apply to a multitude of BIPs with deadline on February 28, 2023, the applications are to be loaded here.
- Child, migrant, refugee voices for viable cities
- Civic engagement in Europe: A transdisciplinary approach
- Culture and politics. New forms of engagement in the Mediterranean area (2000-2022)
- Digital learning for the development of soft skills
- Environmental challenges facing the Danube River
- French travellers in Mediterranean lands
- From medicinal plants to drug products
- Going public – challenges of contemporary anthropology and folklore
- Governing in times of crisis
- Heritage & Innovation: Art Nouveau, past, present & future challenges
- Latin America in the global networks
- Madrid CIVIS Orchestra Academy 2023
- Making visible the invisibles
- Meanings and understanding via proofs. Logical and epistemological approaches
- Sacred sounds, sacred spaces : the Occidental Mediterranean
- Science communication: sharing knowledge and creating connections
- Sustainability, reforms and environmental challenges: The future of EU
- The Ethics of Narratives: between old and new media
- The science, ethics & governance of Human Genome Editing
Every BIP combines online teaching with a short period of physical mobility, where you can spend 5 days at another university with students from across the CIVIS Alliance.
Additional information about BIPs are available on the dedicated webpage HERE, while the catalogue of these CIVIS courses can be accessed HERE.