Academic title: Associate Professor (tenured position)

CV | Silvia Marton began her research and teaching career by studying the relationship between modernization and the state and nation building processes in the 19th century Romania and Eastern Europe, with an increased focus on anti-Semitism and parliamentarism. Through her interdisciplinary approach from complementary scientific fields, including conceptual and intellectual history, political science and historical sociology, her recent research contributes to the new history and constructivist sociology of political “corruption.”

Octomber 2023-September 2028 – project director / PI, ”Transnational histories of corruption’ in Central-South-East Europe (1750-1850) (TranCorr)”, European Research Council Advanced Grant (ERC-2022-AdG no. 101098095)

Fields of research: History and sociology of political corruption; the construction of the nation-state in central and eastern Europe; the nature of anti-Semitism in the 19th century; parliamentarism and the political regime in Romania.


Recent publications:

  •     “Regime, Parties, and Patronage in Contemporary Romania”, in János Mátyás Kovács and Balázs Trencsényi (eds.), Brave New Hungary: Mapping the “System of National Cooperation”, Rowman and Littlefield, 2019, p. 357-378

  • “La ‘corrupción’ electoral en Rumania. Los comienzos titubeantes de la democracia/ Electoral ‘corruption’ in Romania. Democracy’s reluctant beginnings”, Ayer. Revista de Historia Contemporánea, vol. 115, no. 3, 2019, p. 77-104

  • “Transparency” and “corruption” in Romanian electoral politics (1866–1914)”, in Jens Ivo Engels, Frédéric Monier (eds.), History of Transparency in Politics and Society, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht unipress, Goettingen, 2020, p. 35-51

  • Hinnerk Bruhns & Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot & Silvia Marton & Anca Oroveanu (dir.), Mattei Dogan. Pionnier de la recherche comparative internationale en sciences sociales, Editions Le Manuscrit, Paris, 2022

  • „Denunţarea „funcţionarismului” şi a clientelismului în Vechiul Regat” (cu Andrei-Dan Sorescu), in Judit Pál, Vlad Popovici, Andrei Florin Sora (coord.), Servitorii Statului: Funcționari, funcții și funcționarism în România modernă (1830-1948), Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2022, p. 75-105

  • „Wandel und Kontinuität in der rumänischen Außenpolitik”, în Bianka Pietrow-Ennker (Hg.), Nationsbildung und Außenpolitik im Osten Europas. Nationsbildungsprozesse, Konstruktionen nationaler Identität und außenpolitische Positionierungen im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert, Osnabrück, Fibre Verlag, 2022, p. 651-677

  • „Política «oculta»: Publicidad, secretismo, transparencia e inteligibilidad en la Rumanía de finales del siglo xix” (with Andrei-Dan Sorescu), in Frédéric Monier, Lluís Ferran Toledano, Joan Pubill, Gemma Rubí (eds.), “Las sombras de la transparencia. Secreto, corrupción y “Estado profundo” en la Europa contemporánea” / “The Shadows of Transparency. Secret, Corruption and “Deep State” in Modern Europe”, Editorial Comares, 2022, p. 21-43

Topics for BA/MA coordination: (1) the history and sociology of political corruption, (2) nation-state building in Central and Eastern Europe, (3) the nature of anti-Semitism in the 19th century, (4) parliamentarianism and the political regime in Romania

Office hours:  Monday, 17h30 by appointment by email
